
our Services

We are a long term Information Technology specialist company,and have been working with Data Warehouses since before they were called Data warehouses.  From Strategic Leadership of Teams, to Operational Control of a project, to actually doing the job.  We can do it all, ensuring at all time our clients' most critical issues and opportunities are front of mind at all time. 

Data Warehouse Design and Modelling

Heard of a warehouse but not sure where to start.  We are well versed in modern data modelling requirements to design a data warehouse which works for you!


User Requirements and Analysis

A common saying amongst I.T. people is that the user doesn't know what they want until you give it to them - then they know that's not it.  We are very experienced at analysis and determining user requirements


What About Reporting and Analytics

It's no point having some really cool, life changing, data in your warehouse if you can't report it, right?  Don't worry - we have that covered too 


Health Checks

Got a warehouse and Business Intelligence product, but not sure it's right?  Unsure where it's going wrong or what can be done to make it better?  Give us a call


Extract Transform and Loan

So how does the data get from my systems into a data warehouse?  That's ETL (Extract, Transform and Load).  It's our speciality.  


User Requirements and Analysis

You know what?
Every I.T. person will tell you they can Analyse and gather requirements, and they mostly can.
But it's kind of like getting your mate down the road to help you build a outdoor bar.
Sure - most people will be able to do a fairly simple job, but if you want it done right you call in a carpenter.
We're your carpenter when it comes to user requirements and analysis.
It's all about listening to what people say they want and working out what they really want.
Sure they can describe the processes they do every day, but the trick is in hearing what they are not saying and asking those questions.
WHY do you do that?
Does everyone do it the same way?
Is it the process of doing something that is important or the output of doing something? Are there any independencies in your business for these processes?
We have our hammer and chisel and we am waiting for your call  

What are Our skills?

Listening, Listening and more listening.
Understanding processes
The knack of turning a real world procedure into a data flow.
Getting to the heart of the matter

Extract, Transform and Load

Extract, Transform and Load.  Ouch!  Sounds like something your doctor says to you during a particular difficult appointment.  "Ok, bend over, drop your pants, I'm just going to extract, transform and load you .. this won't hurt a bit" (Liar!)  

It's not of course.  ETL (for short) is the process of getting data from your source system (or systems), transforming it into a format more suitable for data warehouses to hold it (data modelling), and then of course loading it into the warehouse.  Sounds simple, but it can get a lot more complicated that that.  Is your source a standard Entity Relationship database? Maybe it's a text file?  Maybe it's an API?  Maybe it's stored in the cloud.  Each one is different and requires a different process.  Now what about where you are loading it to.  Is it a modelled data warehouse?  Maybe it's a data lake?  Is it "Big Data" (said in a booming voice).  Is it on premise or in the cloud.  Again - it's all different.

We've been doing ETL for so long that we have encounted just about every scenario you can think about.  Whatever your requirements are - pretty sure we have done it before, or we can work it out.

What are Our skills?

Business Objects Data Services
Hand coded PLSQL or SQL Server  Packages
Unix Scripting

Health Checks

OK - you have been operating a warehouse and Business Intelligence service for a while now, and.. well.. you think it's ok.. or maybe you think it's rubbish.  Maybe you just don't trust what your Warehouse/Business Intelligence people are telling you.

Is there a better way to do things? 
Am you getting value for the money you am spending?
Does a report really have to take that long to run?
Have we kept up with the times?
Are our tools out of date?

That's where we come in.  We have written health check reports for a number of clients.  We can stand back, look at what you have, asertain what you want, and finally come up with recommendations to get you there.  And we don't have an agenda -  If I think your Warehouse/BI implemention is great, then we will tell you so.  It's not all about us trying to find work :-) we already have plenty of things to keep us going.

What are you getting?

Experience and History
Identify the requirements
SWOT Analysis
Realistic Recommendations

Reporting and Analytics

Ok - we are not going to lie to you here.  You know those people whose resume says in their last job they were project manager and chief designer on the SpaceX Starship and in their spare time they solve world hunger and also save kittens from trees?

Guess what? They are lying  

We all have our skill sets and we are all good at different things.  We can put together a report for you in a number of products (Power BI, Business Objects etc), but.. we're not as good at it as some.  You know those people who you ask to build a report and they come up with some fancy visualisation which just blows you away?  Yeah - that's not us.  It's just not how our mind works.  we have employed people like that and We know they are just better than us at that stuff.  When it comes to database development and ETL processing - we are your guns.  But if you want a smick report developer then move along - nothing to see here.

Having said all that - all hope is not lost.  We have been around a long time, and we know people, and they know people, and they know other people.  If you need a team to work on your (data) warehouse - contact us and we will organise a solution for all your requirements!

What are Our skills?

Power BI
Business Objects
Knowing what I am good at and when I need to find someone else

Contact Us

We are based in Brisbane, but we have been known to do work all over the place, North Queensland, Regional NSW, Melbourne, Geelong, and for the last five years we have been doing a lot of Fly in and Fly out work in Darwin.  Major Commute, but fortunately we don't have to drive.

If you'd like to talk to us about work see the contact details below.  We look forward to hearing from you.

Wayne McCullough
Director, Oasis Dreams Consulting

Ph (0438) 896 341

wayne  at   oasisdreamsconsulting.com.au